Friday, July 7, 2006

The Container Is On The Way To Peru!!!

The day finally arrived. Today we loaded up the container and it is on its three week trek to Trujillo, Peru! I was a bit pessimistic that we would fit everything in it. I had a "must go" list and a "nice to take if we have room" list. But as it turned out, we had an outstanding cast of packers from our home church that we ended up with plenty of room. In fact, we took extra stuff that was on the "garage sale" list! It's a bit weird thinking that our most prized possessions are on that container, but hey, life doesn't consist in the abundance of possessions! Check out these pics:

Faster! More Boxes!

We're making progress, but still not sure it is all going to fit!

Pat Wells: "Are you sure you need all these boxes of books?"

Joshua Butcher: "I'm loading this box all by myself."

How many Aggies does it take...?

More Loading...

...and more loading...

...and more loading....

Ha! Room to Spare!

Our AWESOME friends who helped this go smoothly and get us in just below the 2 hour time limit: Ryan Greene, Darrell Stanley, John Moehlman

More awesome friends: The Carlson's: Andrew, Maurice & Nancy

And special thanks to our other awesome friends not captured in the pics above: Sharon Wells, Jon "brother" Anderson, Adam Mikeal, LuAnn Dotzer, and Stephanie & Dayna Wells who watched our kids for us. All of you are great. Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to help us.


Joshua Butcher said...

And...the question of the day is:

Where is Heather?!?

John said...

Heather was on the other side of the camera!

roomie said...

Hey! It's good to see pictures of friends, and I'm glad that you were able to get everything packed. I love you guys and I can't wait to see you!!!


roomie said...

Hey! It's good to see pictures of friends, and I'm glad that you were able to get everything packed. I love you guys and I can't wait to see you!!!


Brittany Smith said...

Do you still get to come to RUF Training? I am guessing not, since its like a week before you leave...

Nan said...

Well, it might not hit you until you're on the plane but these pictures hit it home for me! Crazy. I can't believe you are going to be gone in 2 weeks! EEK!!
LOVE to you all from us way up North!

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.