Monday, July 16, 2007


[the link is fixed]

Anyone who has been around my teaching ministry knows that I have found more useful illustrations from The Princess Bride than from anywhere else in pop culture. Here is an update on the actors some 20 years later (has it really been that long?).

So this one goes out to all my former students who fondly remember our response to the Gospel in the memorable words of Wesley, "As you wish."

It is true: Age happens to all of us!

[HT: Between Both Worlds]


Joshua Butcher said...

It was already my favorite movie long before I ever made it to RUF in Aggieland, but having a minister of the Gospel share my love for such a cultural icon was, (to quote another pop-culture phrase, "priceless."

Anonymous said...

Links are both the same, to the Rotten Tomatoes review. Is there an article?

ninepoundhammer said...

It seems President Bush missed this classic film.
'NEVER get involved in a land war in Asia!' :)